Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stereotypical Believer

When I walk into a store with my uniform on, most people immediately ask one of these two questions: "Where are you going or coming from? What airline do you work for?" It's hard not to laugh sometimes because I am the lowest of the low when it comes to pilots. But that is the stereotype: wings/stripes=airline pilot............................and I don't even want to be a bus driver.

The sad thing is, we as Christians sometimes stereotype ourselves or others when it comes to faith or what we think someone who believes in Christ should be or believe in. In John 3:8, Jesus talks about how the Spirit is free moving, so to speak, and in essence, is not confined to what brand name we humans put on Him. "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

God does not want us to pidgeon hole ourselves into a mold of faith or belief. When we do this, we put ourselves at risk of failing Christ and the work He has for us. Why? Because we do not open our minds and they become closed off to what the Bible "says" and not where the Spirit is leading us through the Word. We must become like the "wind" and shed our earthly beliefs of faith and turn to God's direction for our faith.....or become like salt without taste.

"I can run like the wind blows" says Forrest Gump. Let our souls run in the same manner for Christ.

Strapping on my red and white Nike's,
Jesus Freak Out!

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