Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Say No to Drugs

"Do not be misled: 'Bad company corrupts good character.'" 1 Cor 15:33

Remember the infamous words from all of our parents: Don't give into peer pressure! My dad didn't have to tell me all that often because he was a police officer. I also had 56 other "fathers" in the small town of Dunedin that would ensure I didn't give into the peer pressure. It's funny though, Paul is telling us not to give into peer pressure, but there is also an underlying message here.

Paul was quoting the Greek poet Menander when he wrote this portion of his letter and he was referring to the naysayers of the resurrection. What is he trying to tell us? Stay away from all the sinners or risk being corrupted? Not at all. We are all broken people and the broken are the only ones who can relate to other broken people. We know where we have been and where we are going, but as Christ followers, it is our mandate to reach those who do not know the forgiving power of faith in the resurrection of Jesus. So what to do?

How about jumping in head first and reaching the broken where they are? Paul was just trying to tell us that we must be on guard not to fall into the trap of falling away from Him and risk the ruin of our character. God knew us before we knew Him. Now he wants us to tell others about that time and how He changed our lives. Don't be afraid to mingle.

Jumping into the snake pit,
Jesus Freak Out!

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