So how do we explain to non-believers that we actually look forward to death? Here is a top ten list that I came up with to help out (don't really try these unless you know your audience).
10. Golden streets would just be the coolest thing.
9. We get to see if St Peter is really a comedian.8. Are the gates really made of pearl?
7. The janitor could be Ted Bundy for all we know.
6. It's a better bailout plan than Washington can come up with.
5. The music is gonna be just killer!
4. Football year round.
3. Global warming will now occur down under only.
2. We get to dog pile Adam.
And the number one reason why death will be great:
.....................We finally get to hug Jesus and say thank you.
It is really amazing to think of what we have to look forward to in life after death. When we believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, we know that there will be no more pain, no more anguish over the small things. The only thing that we can look forward to is the fact that life will be pure bliss and we get to worship the one and only true God........FOREVER!
So how to explain this to non-believers? I have no idea. If you didn't expect that, then I am sorry. But, only God can lead us in talking about Him and his awesome power. We must rely on God to guide us through the treacherous waters of spreading the word. When we trust totally in Him, then we are walking the right path. Death should not be taboo to talk about. Death should be celebrated. Imagine walking into a funeral and seeing a party instead of a wake for a believer? I have seen it before. We hurt from selfishness because we want them for ourselves. Ever think that God may want them more? Now it can be painful to see non-believers pass on. We then must ask if we did all that we could to plant the seed of Christ.
Noogies for Adam,
Jesus Freak Out!