Monday, August 18, 2008

The Parable of the Parable

Day 2:
First off, if there is anyone that you would like included in this e-mail on a daily basis, please send me their address and I will add them. Neal, I need all the guy's e-mail addresses if you can give them. Second, I will be working on setting up a blog so that I won't clog your inboxes (Thanks BH). So here we go again.

Throughout the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John all chronicled how Jesus used to talk with the common person. Hal mentioned it this morning or in a previous message how Jesus used parables so that the common person could understand the deep messages He was trying to relay. By no means am I thinking that I am Jesus Christ by the title of this e-mail. I am probably the farthest from Him but working everyday to get closer to being Him (our goal as Christians). But I have another word besides a parable that we can use to reach out to the "common person" (a.k.a. those who do not know Jesus and those who are just turning their lives over to Him): Anecdote. Call it testimony, witness, story, or whatever, but it is what we know or have experienced in our own lives walking with Jesus Christ that can be more profound than quoting Bible passages (although they are important to know and I stink at it). Those who do not know Christ as intimately as us, yet know who we are, could find more value in our own personal experiences with Jesus Christ.

Try this on for size: Share an anecdote with someone you know to help show how Christ has impacted your life and you just might plant a seed that God will grow. Let the Spirit lead you. I can tell you that from this message series, I could tell stories about how God has blessed the McBride family since we started giving our first fruits to Him. Trust me when I say that it is simply amazing what He can do when you test Him on this; He is the only One who will not fail you.

Looking at God from the floor and asking for a helping hand (and praying for you all),
Jesus Freak Out!

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