Monday, August 25, 2008


Today starts Day 1 of our youth minister's 21 day fast. He is focusing himself on prayer for the youth ministry of our church, as well as for the youth of this nation (see His diet (vegetables and water) is going to mirror that of the prophet Daniel, who was defying and being trained as a servant for, King Nebuchadnezzar (read Daniel chapter 1 for context). Fasting is a very intense way of focusing our mind and soul on nothing but the things of God. It can do wonders for our spiritual nourishment. But, fasting aside, physical food should not be the only sustainment that we have in our lives.

In Matthew 6:4 (NIV), "Jesus answered [Satan], 'It is written: Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.' " This verse comes from the chapter where Jesus went into the desert to be tempted by Satan and after forty days and nights of fasting, was hungry as all get out. Satan was egging Him on to turn stones into bread.

Hal is not living on bread alone, or at all for that matter. Right now, he is focused on the things and words of God. He is seeking that spiritual nourishment and focus for his prayers that only comes with fasting. We cannot sustain our soul on the food of this world. It must be in tune with Christ as we live out our spiritual lives nourished by the words of God. Where do we get these words: from our prayer (especially during fasts) and from scripture.

Try this on for size: We have 2 options in my opinion. First, we can join Hal in fasting like Daniel for the next 20 days and dedicating ourselves to praying for our youth and the youth of this nation. They need all that they can get and I am sure Hal could use a partner! Second, we can focus our efforts on helping new Christ followers in finding that nourishment from the words of God. How do we do that you might say?
- If you are just starting your walk with Christ, first I want to welcome you to the family and praise God! Find a mentor for accountability. Latch onto them and seek their guidance. I would be more than happy to help someone out. Please come find me.
- If you have been walking with Christ for sometime, find someone who has just started their journey. Become that mentor. Seek them out and encourage them. Give them guidance and be there for them as they start the most important journey of their lives. Your personal interaction could be the difference between someone who keeps seeking Christ and someone who falls by the wayside in their walk. Neal, please help me find one of our new 18.

Imagining the possibilities,
Jesus Freak Out!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

awesome stuff man...thanks for the shout out