Monday, August 18, 2008

The Blog is Here: No More Clogged e-mail!

Ladies and Gentlemen, here it is. For those who are just joining us here at the Thought of the Day, I started this blog for some guys in the church I attend here in Tampa FL. It's called Church at the Bay and we are on a "mission from God" (to quote the Blues Brothers) to go out in our community here in the Tampa Bay area and spread the awesome news that our God is alive and that He sent his son to die for our sins. Only through His grace can we live eternally with Him and only if we truly believe in His son's death and resurrection can we be saved. That belief starts a relationship that will change your life forever. And that is what we are doing as troops in the trenches at CATB: helping people begin and grow a relationship with our savior Jesus Christ.

I was driving home from work the other day (I have 30-45 minutes to do plenty of thinking) and I came up with this idea to provide encouragement for these guys, and hopefully everyone who reads this blog, to reach out from where they are and touch the lives of those we know and those we come in contact with. The blog was not my idea. Mine was a plan to clog every e-mail server out there with this, but BH, yes, the man, the myth, the legend himself, came running up to me at church this weekend and said "Dude, you need to lay off the e-mail. Your clogging my inbox with these crazy thoughts of yours and now everyone is responding and my crackberry is about to catch on fire!" Okay, so he didn't say that but he gave me the idea to blog and this is the first installment of hopefully many daily thoughts to come.

This blog is inspired by my Lord and Savior and I must give Him all the credit for any of the ideas that are put up here. I know that I can't just come up with this stuff on my own. These are not visions, or premonitions, or psychic readings or anything: they are just thoughts inspired by God. So please, sit back, relax, and hopefully one of these "thoughts" will inspire you, make you think, push your fatih, and most of all, lead you deeper into relationship with Jesus Christ. If you don't know Christ already, hopefully this will help bring you closer to your decision to join in what I think and know is the most gratifying and blessed relationship you will ever have on this earth and forever. And it's all based on faith.

One last request, please provide me all the feedback that you can. I will not get this perfect and if you agree or disagree with how I am presenting the Word, by all means, tell me so I can learn as well.

1 comment:

Friendship said...

I am impressed. You do have great thoughts to think. Thanks for sharing yourself.