Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Remember roasting marshmellows on a campfire when you were a kid? Then what did you do? You stuck it between 2 graham crackers and a fat piece of Hershey's milk chocolate for a s'more. What a sugar rush! (Of course I mostly watched the marshmellows burn and then just ate the chocolate). I loved s'mores. Ever wonder if God wants us to be marshmellows in the s'more of life? The burning sacrifice to His will and work that makes life so sweet? God, more than anyone, wants us to become so utterly in tune with Him that we sacrifice ourselves for Him without question, just as He sacrificed His son Jesus for us.

If we look at the book of Leviticus, we see deep into the tabernacle ceremonies that were established for worshipping God and atoning for sins. We don't have to perform sacrificial ceremonies anymore because of the new convenant that Jesus established when He died for us. Or do we?

Leviticus 1:2 (NIV) says that "When any of you brings an offering to the Lord, bring as your offering an animal from either the herd or the flock." Am I saying that someone needs to bring their dog to service on Sunday to be sacrificed for sin? Of course not. We now take the place of the animal from the flock, God's flock. We are the sacrifice. Our daily work for Christ is the sacrifice. Taking time out of our day to work for Him is the sacrifice He is now looking for from us. It's not physical anymore (except when working for Blaine), but spiritual.

Try this on for size: Let's take a moment out of our busy schedules and talk with someone. Get to know them and then let them know that we are praying for them. We are sacrificing precious time from our daily grind to first seek God's will and second sacrifice ourselves for someone else's benefit. This is exactly what Jesus did for us on the cross, except on a much grander scale. We cannot match the cross, but we can take the small steps to be closer with Him.

Getting warmer in the fire,
Jesus Freak Out!

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