Sunday, April 8, 2012

Our Faith Day

".....He's been raised up; he's no longer here......." Mark 16:6 MSG

Today is the day we celebrate the most important day of our Christian faith.  Today we celebrate the restoration of life through Jesus Christ.  Our faith is nothing without what today symbolizes.  It is meaningless.  We are then just Jewish ourselves, or another religion that doesn't mean much to the world.  But we are a part of something awesome!

Through the events of this day, our sin is covered if we just believe. The old convenant is smashed and the new one established; one that requires only our belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of the Son of Man, the confession of our sin, and the new creation of a loving heart within us.  God will live in us just as he lived in His Son on this day over 2000 years ago. 

Believe, Seek, Live. 


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