Friday, October 3, 2008

Doctrine, or not to Doctrine (Part II)

We left off trying to define the roll of doctrine in our faith. There have been so many arguments as to who or what group is right based upon what the Bible "says." I wonder how they would feel if we told them that they were playing God, showing their arrogance, or as a friend of mine put it, "put[ting] God in a box." What, Christians, arrogant? But we love God? Or is it that we love God and know exactly what He tells us through the Bible because we have Him figured out?

Our arrogance takes many forms. Remember how we talked about knowledge as the wisdom of the world, and Not God? Now, apply that in this situation. Is our "knowledge" of God and the Bible His wisdom or ours? When we think that we have God figured out, let Him know.........and then watch what happens. Too much doctrine is what will lead us down that road. Heck, David Koresh had a doctrine he preached about and based upon the word of God.

So here is what I propose: a reason, a mission, and a goal (and please do not take this as the right answer). Christ could have something completely different in mind. I have not figured Him out, nor do I expect to ever figure Him out while I still walk on this earth. This is just what I feel led to say.

Our Reason: that is, our reason for being here. A #1: to glorify Him. We were created to praise, honor and worship all that we do! Glory to God comes in many forms. "So God created man in His own image," (Genesis 1:27). Remember how we pay tribute to and honor someone famous: stars on a sidewalk, statues, headstones at gravesites. God created us to honor Him and our intent is to glorify Him through the actions we take on His behalf.

A little different take on glory to God. More to come on the mission we have tomorrow. I don't want to make this too long.


Jesus Freak Out!

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