Friday, October 17, 2008

Blessed are the Greek?

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth." (Matt. 5:

Anyone who has seen Monty Python's Life of Brian knows what this title is about. It's about confusion and misunderstanding. That is what the Beatitudes are all about. Most of the times we misunderstand what God is trying to tell us through the words of His son Jesus Christ. If we look deep, with an understanding heart for Christ, we can see beyond the superficial, self-centered meaning of His word.

He doesn't say blessed are the weak and weary, He says, "Blessed are the meek..........." In other words, blessed are the humble before God, not man. Humility is something that we all learn from an early age through trials and tough situations. But humility before God only comes with a broken heart. I'm not talking in the love sense, I'm talking in the God sense. We must be broken before God, as His Son was on the cross, because that takes the focus off of us and puts it on connecting with Him. If we can humble ourselves before God, I mean really put our own inhibitions aside, then we will become closer with Him and find a connection that spurns growth, but most of all, action. God has a way of forcing us to eat crow too, but he prefers that we eat it willingly, even if we have to put ketchup on it. It hurts but it works.

Toes and fingers are not enough to count the crows,
Jesus Freak Out!

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