The other day I had the distinct honor of helping a gentlemen fly his new aircraft out to Bend, OR for some repairs. It was literally a cross country flight and I can tell you that I have not stopped talking about it since I got back. It was an 11 hour flight with 2 stops in between. I must say, I was privileged to see some of the most beautiful scenery this country has to offer..........from an altitude of 24,000 feet! This flight really made me reflect on Genesis and what our wonderful Creator really sculpted out for His people.
"God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that is was GOOD" (ESV Gen 1:10).
I had plenty of time to marvel at what things God created. We flew directly over the Grand Canyon, Meteor Crater, the Rocky Mountains, the Gulf of Mexico, the plains of Texas, and the Cascade Mountains. Throughout this entire flight, I was able to marvel at what God had made for us and how small I really was. What really amazed me was that in all of this, he decided to create a little nobody like me. But what's even more brain teasing is that he knew who I was from the dawn of time. He knew I would come into this world. It blows my mind.
What does this have to do with bringing people to Christ? So much. People don't realize that God, from the dawn of the ages, knew who was going to be born and when, who was goin
g to die and the precise moment in which their last breath would come. He knew the precise timing of their heartbeat and circadian rhythm of their sleep pattern. He knew it all. He orchestrated it all. He CREATED it all. We must let people know how much God loves them and how much He really knows about them, whether they want to believe it or not.

In awe of His power,
Jesus Freak Out!
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