Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Ministry Rat Poison

"Don't talk about your neighbors behind their backs- No slander or gossip, please." Proverbs 24:28 MSG

Can anyone tell me the number one killer of any church or ministry?  It's not hard to guess from the verse. GOSSIP.  There is nothing in the world that can kill a ministry quicker than people talking about one another behind each other's backs.  After the dust settles from the big demise, a leader who allows gossip in their ministry will be looking around and speaking the immortal words of Socrates when he said, "I drank what?"

I have seen gossip tear churches to pieces.  I have seen gossip tear families apart.  And , I am sad to say, I have caught myself participating in gossip at times.  But, it was a man named Hal Mayer who taught me a key lesson in any minstry or church:  if you have a problem with someone, don't talk about it with anyone else but that person.  Once its resolved, you still should not talk to anyone about it.

Here is what I try to do when I hear someone going on and on about someone else:  "Have you talked with them about this?" If the answer is no then its time for me to exit stage left.  I tell them to go take it up with who they are refering to.  If they have a problem with that, then they have no back bone.

Here is how I feel about gossip now:  If you can't say what's on your mind to someone's face, then I don't need to hear it either. Shut up and move on with life.  If you really have to get it out, go talk to a tree or scream it out in your car alone.  Don't drag others down with you......

If there is a gossip in your minstry/church, confront them.  If they don't listen, ask them to leave.  If they won't leave, remove them. It's that simple.  Would you allow someone to slowly and knowingly poison you or your immediate family?  Then why allow it with your church family? 


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