Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It Doesn't Matter

"What is the result?  Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is being proclaimed, and in this I rejoice.  Yes, and I will continue to rejoice......"  Phil 1:18 (NET)

Last post we talked about Paul, and all he was going though during his imprisonment in Rome.  On top of living in a dungeon, other so-called "Christians" were out in Rome smearing his name and spreading the gospel in ways that were not congruent with the truth or because of "selfish ambition." But as we see in verse 18, it really didn't matter what was happening, as long as Christ's name was being proclaimed. 

You see, as Christ followers, we sit here more often than not and shake our heads in shame or condemn those who are not spreading the truth as we feel it should be spread.  For a long time, I held animosity against the man on the corner screaming through the bullhorn, or the people of Westboro Baptist Church who rant and rave all over the place.  Yes, let me make this clear, I do not agree with them or how they conduct themselves.  But what is most important is not what these people are saying, but that no matter what, people are hearing about Christ.  Yes, its not the perfect way.  Yes, its abrasive, unkind, uncouth, disgusting and revolting,and mostly not out of love.  But find the silver lining in the cloud as Paul did:  Christs name is getting out there. 

At least people are hearing his name.  What matters most is people who may not know Christ will come to us and start asking questions:  Do all Christians really believe that?  Why are they so hateful?  Is that really what Jesus taught?  Does the Bible really teach us to hate like that?

And then the door is opened.........

Seeds can be planted...........

And its time to capitalize on the opportunity we have.......think about it.


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