Monday, February 23, 2009

The Tailor

Did you know that God is the tailor of our lives? He formed us perfectly in the womb of our mothers and knew from the dawn of eternity the day that we would come into this world. God had His hands in it all. I sat down with my friend David tonight and I have been shaken to my very core about what the Creator has done to make me who I am.

In Psalm 139, David is praising God for what he has done in creating the man he is. "For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb" (vs. 13). Imagine what it takes for a tailor to sew what amounts to a masterpiece in fine thread. It take hours of hard work, constant measuring, precise cutting, painstaking threading of every seam. Now imagine what it took for God to create you from 2 cells into who you are today.

God painstakingly "knitted" every cell, every system, every organ, every thought, every experience, every person into the fabic of what is now our life. He created everything that is us from the day he dreamt of us so long ago. We are his unique masterpiece, signed and authenticated as a creation of the most artistic, the most inspired Creator of all time. We are created for Him to do His work.

So I ask this question: How would you handle a piece of precious artwork that could never be duplicated by it's creator again, because he died doing what he loved? That is how God looks upon each and every person on this earth. They are His creation. They are His artwork. They are His. If only we could look at others as God's creation and not the discarded practice work of our awesome and wonderful God.

Viewing the artwork of God,
Jesus Freak Out!

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