"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?" (1Cor 6:19).
If anyone was around in the early Eighties, they will remember this song by Olivia Newton John (the post title, not the verse). I remember buying my mom this record (yes, I said record) for Mother's Day that year because I wanted it. I learned a lesson about giving then, but that's a post for another day. In this video, there were people working out and doing aerobics, and I'm sure that's not what the song was all about but there is a point here.
Every year, many Americans make the resolution to work out and become healthier. According to the IHSRA (haven't found what the means yet), the first three months of any new year is when the most memberships to a gym are bought, 12.4% in January, 9.5% in February, and 8.7% in March. What does this have to do with anything related to following Christ and bringing people into relationship with Him?
A whole bunch! Paul talks about treating our bodies as a temple to God, mainly from the context of sexual immorality in this chapter of 1 Corinthians. But, this applies in all sorts of ways. For me, it's gonna be a new year. But, I really hate the gym. I don't have fun at the gym because it's painful, there are no windows normally (except to the parking lot where my car calls me to go home), and there are too many mirrors showing me how pathetically scrawny I really am. There are many more ways to get healthy without having to go to the gym. So here are my milestones for the year:
1) I am getting back into running. I love running. I ran track and cross country in high school and ran all throughout college. When I started working, I stopped because I was tired and lazy. I am going to work to run for 90 minutes a week. For me that translates to about 10-15 miles a week. The goal is to be ready for a half marathon (that's 13.2 miles) by the end of year!
2) Eat healthier. I am cutting out as much junk as I can, and add in all those good tasting things like green leafy veggies and fruit. Now, since ice cream is one of the 4 basic food groups and provides a wonderful source of calcium, it will stay on a limited basis.
3) I am going to get a home workout from my friend Jamy that I will do at least 2-3 times a week. It will involve the basic calisthenic excercises like push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, and pull- ups to just get healthier. I am not going to be some massive strong dude like Hal Mayer or his son so that's another reason not to go to the gym. Did I mention I hate the gym?
4) Lastly, quit the habit that I have harbored for over 12 years and that I have held myself a slave to. NO it's not pornography, it's tobacco. I have fought this for a long time and kept it farely quiet because of shame. I only tell you so that you will help me and not judge me while I kick it square in the you know what. I have quit and started again numerous times. It's this year that it becomes permanent.
So here are my milestones for the year. What are yours?
Going ONJ on myself,
Jesus Freak Out!
Jen's post on fitness...
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